From Egypt to Ethopia, Persia to Phoenicia, Babylon to Beijing. Join Iris Nguyen on a tour across the ancient world as she uncovers what these civilisations' statues can tell us about the relationship between the everyday, the artistic, and the divine.

Tools of oppression, objects of worship, or expressions of art? Vanity projects of the elite or representations of the deific? In this remarkable and insightful tour, Iris explores the complex and often contradictory purposes of statues and sculpture in different regions throughout history, questioning how the human form is presented in stone.

What can these works of art tell us about their place and time of origin, how their creators and commissioners viewed the relationship between themselves and their gods, and how do they reflect the everyday lives of the people who would have viewed them?

Join Iris in her journey through history and TheGallery’s extensive world of sculpture.

Take this tour for £1.50.
Or sign-up for a subscription and see ten tours for £10.