Exploring the fantastical world of memory, Katrina Michaels delves into TheGallery's collection of early sketches by the world-renowned Tetsuo Nakamura, to explore how this incredible artist was influenced by his experiences of war and peace in twentieth century Japan.

In the hazy world of his own past, long before his iconic Okinawa watercolours, Nakamura combines fact and fantasy in this series of sketches, using pencil and ink to explore reflections of his own formative years, from the countryside views of Mount Fuji to the abstract and distant impact of World War Two, represented by cloud-like Oni intruding into otherwise serene scenes.

Katrina welcomes you to join her in discussion of how Nakamura fills in the lost details of his youth with elements of dreams and Japanese folklore, including his famous Yōkai series, as well as how these early works would inform the more accomplished watercolours later in his life.

Take this tour for £1.50.
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